New Partnership Between Ablebook App and McDonald’s Restaurants

We are pleased to announce the collaboration between McDonald’s and the Ablebook app, incorporating their 23 restaurants into its platform. This partnership aims to facilitate access and provide information for people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups.

Ablebook is an innovative app available on Android and iOS devices that aims to improve accessibility and support people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups by offering information and services that make their daily lives easier.

McDonald’s restaurants offer a range of accessible facilities, such as designated parking spaces near entrances, ramps, accessible restrooms, and spacious areas for wheelchairs. Through this collaboration, Ablebook app users who visit McDonald’s restaurants can get information about accessible locations and request assistance if needed from the relevant staff. This ensures that all customers can enjoy their meals and moments without obstacles.

Our collaboration with McDonald’s restaurants is another step towards a more equal and open society for everyone. By providing facilities and services that meet the needs of people with disabilities, McDonald’s positively contributes to social progress and solidarity.

“The first National Strategy for Autism has been approved.”

The Cabinet proceeded today with the approval of the first National Strategy and Action Plan for Autism


“The Cabinet progressed today with the approval of the first National Strategy and Action Plan for Autism, with Deputy Minister of Social Welfare Marilena Evangelou emphasizing that the implementation of the strategy will allow authorities to have a comprehensive approach and a real image of this disability, which presents increasing trends both internationally and in Cyprus.”

“In statements following the Cabinet meeting, Ms. Evangelou said that action for the implementation of the Strategy is beginning, with one of the first actions involving the creation of a national electronic platform for autism, as well as information programs, training, upgrading, and expansion of the services provided.”

“The establishment of the national strategy and action plan for autism separately from other disabilities was deemed necessary due to the increase in autism diagnoses both in our country and internationally, and because autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disorder characterized by varying degrees of difficulty, with diverse levels and gradations of symptoms and challenges,” explained Ms. Evangelou.

According to Ms. Evangelou, the National Strategy and Action Plan for Autism 2024 – 2028 includes 53 actions under 7 thematic pillars, following the life course of a child, an adult with autism, namely research, early detection and diagnosis, health and therapeutic intervention, early childhood and family intervention, education, social protection and independent living, employment, and participation in leisure, culture, and society.

She further emphasized that the importance of the national strategy lies in its ability to centralize all services related to autism under the umbrella of the national strategy for better coordination of actions and holistic addressing of needs as well as challenges.

“The action now begins,” she continued, “for the implementation of the strategy and Action Plan. Our first priority is to continue the operation of the National Committee, which I will convene very soon, the establishment of permanent subcommittees under the coordination of the Department of Social Integration of Persons with Disabilities of the Ministry of Social Welfare, and the systematic cooperation of all stakeholders, especially the organizations representing individuals with autism themselves.”

As she said, the coordinating body of the National Strategy is the Ministry of Social Welfare, and other ministries participate in it, such as the Ministries of Labor, Health, Education, Transportation, and Finance.

“We want to have a complete picture in Cyprus.”

Asked about autism cases in Cyprus, Ms. Evaggelou stated that according to data from the World Health Organization, 1 in 100 children or adults worldwide are diagnosed with autism, while in Cyprus, the recorded data from the Department of Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities reports about 2,000 cases.

She noted, however, that “one of the reasons for the need for this national strategy is to capture the true picture of the situation in the country because clearly the Department of Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities of the Ministry has the data of individuals who apply to the Department for the benefits or services it provides.”

So, she said, one of the goals of the national strategy is to have a true picture of the number and not only in terms of numbers but also what is provided to these individuals in terms of services, how they live, what treatment they follow, how their integration and activation in society are.

Ms. Evaggelou further explained that there is a wide spectrum of autism with different symptoms, needs, and challenges. “Therefore, there may be individuals who do not feel that they need support or services. However, we need to know the real picture that exists,” she added.

“I personally believe that there are more (people with autism), how many more and why they have not turned to the Department of Social Integration with Disabilities remains to be proven along the way,” she added.

At this point, Ms. Evaggelou also mentioned that “we are not starting from scratch,” as there are programs targeting people with autism. She referred to the “Aktida” program for preschool-aged children with autism, which intervenes immediately after diagnosis, offering psycho-social and educational support both to the individuals with autism and to their families.

She cited as an example that through the national strategy, there will be continuous training based on all new scientific data for professionals such as doctors, pediatricians, educators, and kindergarten teachers in schools and wherever there are children for the early diagnosis of autism. “Because early diagnosis and intervention matter,” she emphasized.

Ms. Evaggelou stated that as part of the Strategy, the organization of a national conference on autism is also planned for this coming autumn, which will be established annually.

Source: CNA

“Access Denied: Websites of European Political Parties Inaccessible to People with Disabilities”

The serious deficiencies in the accessibility of the websites of major European political parties make it very difficult for people with disabilities to be informed about the European Elections.

“People with disabilities were almost completely ignored by political parties on their websites in view of the EU elections, according to a report compiled by the European Disability Forum (EDF) and the independent non-profit Foundation Funka.”
“The main conclusion is that citizens with disabilities struggle to access the content and, therefore, are not adequately informed to exercise direct democracy.”

“The report analyzed the websites of the seven main European political families – the European People’s Party, the Party of European Socialists, the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, the European Conservatives and Reformists, the European Greens, the European Left, and Identity and Democracy.”

“The main conclusion is that citizens with disabilities struggle to access the content and, therefore, are not adequately informed to exercise direct democracy.”

“According to the study, European political parties neglect their obligation to provide information to all voters, whether they have specific accessibility needs or not. In doing so, they create a barrier not only for people with disabilities but also for the democratic process itself. Our democratic systems and political procedures rely on citizens being informed when they vote. However, as this report shows, political parties seeking the votes of over 100 million Europeans with disabilities largely fail in their duty to provide accessible and reliable political information.”

“The results are very disappointing, but not surprising – they reflect the widespread lack of attention to information accessibility in the political world,” said Ioannis Vardakastanis, President of the EDF and the ESAmeA, to Euronews.”

“These findings at the European level may also indicate that national political parties face similar challenges, according to the central body representing the rights of 100 million people with disabilities in the EU, the EDF.”

“Political parties must ensure that their communication is accessible to every voter – including voters with disabilities,” added Mr. Vardakastanis.

“The party with the worst performance was the far-right Identity and Democracy, passing only four out of the seven criteria used for evaluating the websites. All the tested websites passed the test for automatic subtitles for deaf or hard of hearing users.”

“The EDF calls on the political parties of the EU and all political actors:”

  • “Website administrators need to be trained in the basic skills for accessible digital information.”
  • “They should use the European standard for accessible ICT (EN301549) in the procurement, design, and development of digital interfaces. The standard is free.”
  • “Users with disabilities should participate in the design, development, and testing of digital interfaces to ensure they work for everyone.”

“Finally, they encourage all political actors to actively involve organizations of people with disabilities in accordance with the updated motto of the disability movement: ‘Nothing About Us Without Us.'”

“A Spectrum of Possibilities”

“The Greek Community of South Australia stands by autistic individuals.”

“For the first time in its history, the Greek Orthodox Community of South Australia (GOCASA) celebrated World Autism Month with a special event aimed at raising awareness and understanding of the condition among the general public, highlighting the contribution of autistic individuals to the broader community, and encouraging more multicultural communities to join the conversation.”

The event with the theme “A Spectrum of Possibilities” took place symbolically at the Community Meeting Room on Wednesday, April 3rd, one day after the 17th World Autism Awareness Day, when the Malinauskas Labor Government inaugurated the state’s first Autism Inclusion Charter.

The speakers were the country’s first Assistant Minister for Autism, Emily Bourke, the president and founder of the Gold Foundation, Angela Pangallo OAM, and the world’s No. 2 in Australia and No. 5 in the world tennis player with intellectual disability, Andriana Petraki.

“I am very proud of everyone who participated in the event. It is important as one of the oldest multicultural organizations in the state to play our role in raising awareness about autism, removing barriers, and promoting acceptance and inclusion of autistic individuals, their caregivers, and families,” said Panagiotis Gonis, Vice President of the Hellenic Orthodox Community of South Australia.

“Through education and dialogue, we can understand autism in communities like ours and reduce the stigma and misconceptions associated with it,” emphasized Mr. Gonis.

According to recent statistics, it is estimated that 3.2% of school-aged children have been diagnosed with autism in Australia, while the quality of life of autistic Australians is among the lowest in Australian society.

“Autism is the largest primary disability group in the NDIS, and South Australia is above the national average, with 41% of NDIS participants in South Australia being autistic,” said Assistant Minister for Autism, Emily Bourke.

“Many wonder why we need an Assistant Minister for Autism – and it’s unique. We are the only government in the world to have this position. It’s because if we let down the largest disability group in our community, then we let down every disability group.”

Angela Pangallo OAM, the president and founder of the nonprofit organization Gold Foundation, moved the audience with the story of her son, Connor, who was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome fifteen years ago. She shared how the challenges he faced after the diagnosis, particularly without available support, inspired her to “give kids a chance” and help other families.

In her speech, following a few words from the Mayor of the City of West Torrens, Michael Coxon, Ms. Pangallo made a special mention of how the late president of the Greek Orthodox Community of South Australia, Vasilis Gonis, whom she referred to as a “pioneer and visionary,” helped the organization find a new home at the Camden Park Community Centre.

“It’s a huge privilege to do this work for the autism community, and the special honor is doing it with the support of the GOCASA. I grew up in the Greek Orthodox Community, and my parents were part of it from its inception. That gives it more meaning and purpose,” Ms. Pangallo said.

In her touching and inspiring presentation, Australian tennis champion of Greek descent, Andriana Petraki, stated that as an autistic individual, she has faced challenges but maintains a “positive and resilient” attitude.

“We need to encourage each other and people with disabilities to participate more in sports, schools, workplaces, and organizations,” she said.

The foodhaus store chain is now on the Ablebook app

Ablebook is launching a new collaboration with the foodhaus store chain. This collaboration contributes to providing all relevant information and services concerning the accessibility of individuals with disabilities and vulnerable groups.

Foodhaus stores provide handicapped parking spaces near their entrances, ramps, accessible toilets for individuals with disabilities, and spacious areas for wheelchairs. Through our collaboration, app users visiting foodhaus stores can get information about store accessibility and request assistance if needed by contacting responsible staff at each store. This way, everyone can shop without barriers.

Our collaboration with foodhaus food stores is another step towards a more equitable and open society for all. By offering facilities and services that meet the needs of individuals with disabilities, foodhaus stores contribute positively to social progress and solidarity.

Wheelchair Basketball Game «Sport Unites Us»

The American International School in Cyprus (AISC), in collaboration with the Wheelchair Basketball Committee of the Cyprus Basketball Federation (C.B.F.) and Keravnos, is organizing an event entitled: Wheelchair Basketball Game «Sport Unites Us». The event will take place on Saturday, May 18th, from 14:30 to 17:00 at the Keravnos Strovolou Indoor Stadium “Kostas Papaellinas”. Entry is free.

The event is under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr. Nikos Christodoulides.

The purpose of the event is to promote wheelchair basketball to the wider public, with the ultimate goal of its development and the financial support of the four associations currently operating in Cyprus.

The title “Sport Unites Us” signifies that sports have the power to unite people regardless of race, nationality, religion, disability, or social status. Through sports, people meet, collaborate, and compete with each other, creating a common ground through a shared experience. Sporting activities can build bridges between different communities and promote social cohesion and understanding.

AISC is an English-speaking private school in Nicosia. It offers American and international university preparatory education, including the option of the International Baccalaureate program for the final two years of secondary education. The school is part of Esol Education.

The mission of the school is to develop lifelong learners, equip them to achieve academic excellence, nurture their personal well-being, and cultivate responsible global citizens who positively impact the world. Education at AISC aims for the holistic development of the child, fostering values, leadership, academic excellence, and independence. Students regularly participate in social initiatives at both local and international levels, which provide character-building life experiences. It is rich in diverse learning experiences and opportunities for personal achievements.

AISC expresses deep gratitude to the sponsors and supporters of the event. Their support and sponsorship are the cornerstone of the event’s success, reinforcing its mission and goals.

“The technology ‘ally’ of blind pregnant women: How they were able to ‘see’ their unborn babies”

An unexpected “gift of life” was provided by technology to a 44-year-old mother with vision problems. She managed to “see” her unborn baby through the sense of touch. The new type of ultrasound has a relief form and even combines Braille writing, so blind mothers can experience this milestone in their pregnancy.

Karen Tripp passes her fingers over the relief ultrasound of her baby. Unlike her previous pregnancy, this time she is able to feel all the characteristics of the fetus she is carrying.

Born with a rare eye condition, 44-year-old Karen from England never believed she could experience this touching moment for all future mothers.

“When I was pregnant ten years ago, it was very difficult. Ultrasounds were not a pleasant experience. Because the staff didn’t have the time to explain it to me,” she said.

In the 8th month of her pregnancy, technology, as well as her doctor, gave her the unique “gift” of feeling the image of her unborn baby, beyond just hearing its heartbeat.

Photos of Karen’s baby are included in the “Invisible World” exhibition, hosted for a few days in London, featuring a series of photographs taken by world-renowned photographers, some of whom also have vision problems.

Visitors will thus be able to have a unique tactile experience, designed entirely for people with little or no vision, including relief prints, audio descriptions, and incorporating Braille code.

Edited by Athena Korovesi