Wheelchair Basketball Game «Sport Unites Us» - AbleBook

Wheelchair Basketball Game «Sport Unites Us»

The American International School in Cyprus (AISC), in collaboration with the Wheelchair Basketball Committee of the Cyprus Basketball Federation (C.B.F.) and Keravnos, is organizing an event entitled: Wheelchair Basketball Game «Sport Unites Us». The event will take place on Saturday, May 18th, from 14:30 to 17:00 at the Keravnos Strovolou Indoor Stadium “Kostas Papaellinas”. Entry is free.

The event is under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr. Nikos Christodoulides.

The purpose of the event is to promote wheelchair basketball to the wider public, with the ultimate goal of its development and the financial support of the four associations currently operating in Cyprus.

The title “Sport Unites Us” signifies that sports have the power to unite people regardless of race, nationality, religion, disability, or social status. Through sports, people meet, collaborate, and compete with each other, creating a common ground through a shared experience. Sporting activities can build bridges between different communities and promote social cohesion and understanding.

AISC is an English-speaking private school in Nicosia. It offers American and international university preparatory education, including the option of the International Baccalaureate program for the final two years of secondary education. The school is part of Esol Education.

The mission of the school is to develop lifelong learners, equip them to achieve academic excellence, nurture their personal well-being, and cultivate responsible global citizens who positively impact the world. Education at AISC aims for the holistic development of the child, fostering values, leadership, academic excellence, and independence. Students regularly participate in social initiatives at both local and international levels, which provide character-building life experiences. It is rich in diverse learning experiences and opportunities for personal achievements.

AISC expresses deep gratitude to the sponsors and supporters of the event. Their support and sponsorship are the cornerstone of the event’s success, reinforcing its mission and goals.

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