Ablebook App

Accessibility in one app

In a world of development and prosperity, we provide a functional app that includes smart path creation and planning tools. The Ablebook app informs individuals with any sort of disability of places with easy access and use.

Main purpose

Find accessible places with one click

Through our app, you can find places and activities that provide facilities for people with disabilities and vulnerable groups to live their daily life without any obstacles.

How it works

Smart tools

The Ablebook Mobile Application render sophisticated accessibility services to users providing them with a handful of services ranging from a wide range of location and accessible services to the AbleCard which is a member card for people with disabilities which gives them access to extra benefits.

For example, users can choose a variety of locations like restaurants, cafes etc and identify specific facilities for a place according to their needs.

All the above by choosing the appropriate filters.


Get the Ablebook App


Users are able to plan their trips


Extra benefits from our partners

Enable Change

Enabling people with disabilities to be equal members of the society

First mobile application in Cyprus about accessibility

User-friendly environment

Access to 25 location categories

1200 parking spaces for people with disabilities

14 museums

11 theatres

35 beaches


Get the Ablebook App