About us
Who and What?
AbleBook is one of the startup innovative companies in Cyprus, where it successfully passed all stages of the IDEA Innovation Center program.

Our goal
Public Awareness
The reason
The exclusion and “special” treatment experienced by people with disabilities (PWDs) are considered among the most serious social issues. The existence of social exclusion violates the human rights of the disabled and deprives them of an important part of their value.
The reason for the beginning of this initiative was the identification of the difficult and sometimes impossible access and movement of the disabled in both public and private spaces. In addition, we have noticed that there is a general gap in informing society about the problems these people face. That is why we seek through this application to properly and correctly inform the world about everything related to the disabled.

Finally, through the experiential experiences of Andreas Vassiliou, a member of our group and a person with a disability, we could better understand the gap that exists regarding the access of the disabled to society.
This is how the idea for the implementation of a platform was created. With the help of technology, our goal is in any way to facilitate the daily life of people with disabilities in our country and to give them the motivation to become equal, active members of society
What people say about us

Our team
Ablebook Members

Symeon Stylianou