There is a gene that may affect our biological clock and is associated with the development of autistic disorders.

A recent study published in the prestigious journal Molecular Psychiatry by a team of scientists from the Medical School of the University of Minnesota, the University of Texas, San Antonio, and the Institute of Biomedical Research (IBR) of the Foundation for Research and Technology (FORTH) reveals that a gene that plays a central role in regulating the circadian or biological clock may be associated with the development of autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Neurodevelopmental disorder of the autistic spectrum (ASD) is characterized by a wide range of behavioral changes, including social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech, and non-verbal communication. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ASD affects 1 in 44 children in the U.S.

Approximately 50-80% of children with ASD experience sleep problems, while this percentage is less than 30% for the general population. The causes of sleep problems in ASD are not fully clear, but the dysfunction of our internal clock could be a factor.

“It has long been recognized that the function of our internal clock is often disrupted in patients with autism, and these patients often present various sleep problems,” said Dr. Ruifeng Cao, Associate Professor of Neurosciences at the Medical School of the University of Minnesota. “But it is not yet known whether autism can be directly triggered by the disruption of the circadian rhythm gene.”

This study found that the disruption of a significant gene that regulates the circadian rhythm, in preclinical models, can lead to phenotypes resembling autism.

Specifically, the deletion of the Bmal1 gene can cause significant changes in social behavior, communication, and repetitive behaviors.

The models also exhibited impairments in their pineal gland or “pineal ataxia.” The research team further examined the pathological changes in the pineal gland and identified a series of cellular and molecular changes that suggest neurodevelopmental deficits.

The disruption of this gene could potentially constitute a mechanism underlying various forms of autism and possibly other neurodevelopmental disorders, and this discovery paves the way for further exciting research,” stated Dr. Christos Gkogkas, Principal Investigator of Neurobiology at the Institute of Biomedical Research (IBR) of the Foundation for Research and Technology (FORTH).

The research team plans to continue studying other circadian rhythm genes that are mutated in ASD. Specifically, they recommend the development of new therapeutic strategies based on their findings.

This study is supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health and the Winston and Maxine Wallin Neuroscience Discovery Fund.

The research team consists of professors Harry Orr, Alfonso Araque, Paulo Kofuji, and Jonathan Jonathan Gewirtz (now at the University of Arizona) from the University of Minnesota, as well as Prof. Victor Jin from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, and Dr. Kleanthi Halkiadaki and Dr. Christos Gkogkas from the Institute of Biomedical Research (IBR) of FORTH in Greece.

Source: FemaleG

The research team consists of professors Harry Orr, Alfonso Araque, Paulo Kofuji, and Jonathan Jonathan Gewirtz (now at the University of Arizona) from the University of Minnesota, as well as Prof. Victor Jin from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, and Dr. Kleanthi Halkiadaki and Dr. Christos Gkogkas from the Institute of Biomedical Research (IBR) of FORTH in Greece.

The legacy of the Special Olympics

But what is the legacy of these games? Perhaps the visibility, of the participation of people with disabilities in sports, art, and public action without fear and shame. To come forward and draw the spotlight on them. Through visibility and public debate, the realization is that modern society is inherently colorful and polyphonic with equal rights to be afforded to all.

Berlin is a city with a heavy shadow of history. The Olympic Stadium, which gave the impetus for this year’s Special Olympics for athletes with intellectual disabilities, also has its own heavy history. The 1936 Olympics were overshadowed by Hitler’s presence. Olympic ideals had given way to racist and intolerant National Socialist ideology.

Almost 90 years later, the Special Olympics were held last ten days (June 17 to 25) at the same stadium, with 7,000 athletes from 180 countries, approximately 18,000 volunteers, thousands of coaches, staff, family members, 50,000 spectators at the spectacular Opening Ceremony and a total of 300,000 visitors. With the motto “together invincible”, the goal of the Special Olympics was to send a message for more participation, cooperation, understanding, and respect for people with intellectual disabilities.

Impressive and especially with a moving and hopeful presence were the multi-member delegations of Greece and Cyprus, with 71 athletes from Greece and 35 from Cyprus. With admirable successes and dozens of medals in various events: from athletics, swimming, and cycling to basketball, rhythmic and instrumental gymnastics to bowling and bocce. Of course, the medals in the specific competitions are not an end in themselves, because virtually everyone who makes the journey and reaches the international competition field is a winner.

“The road is still long…”

Greece and Cyprus in the Special Olympics

“It was fifteen days full of unique emotions, exceeding our expectations. These global struggles have really contributed to social change through inclusion. They were moments that really brought the world together at a time, like today, when we need it the most,” Special Olympics Cyprus Secretary General Eleni Rossidou tells DW. As he typically says: “We demand the inclusion of our sportsmen and women in society at all levels. Berlin was the opportunity to remind the world that when it comes to inclusion, action must speak louder than words.” For her, however, there is still “a long way to go on a global level” to achieve the goal of fully integrating people with mental disabilities into modern society.

Artemis Vasilikopoulou, national director of Special Olympics Greece, who has participated in Special Olympics since its first steps in Greece, has a similar opinion. “There is still a way to go,” says Ms. Vassilikopoulou to DW. Now, as he explains, an important step has been taken, since May they have been officially recognized as a “federation” and thus can now be financed by the state budget, which facilitates their work. Until now, everything was done with sponsorships and donations from individuals and foundations.

“In the beginning we encountered many problems. But now we have reached a point where everyone knows what Special Olympics is and how important it is to integrate these people through sports in their community, city, region” he says characteristically. The important element in the Greek mission is that many athletes from the Greek province are now participating, who otherwise would not have had these possibilities. “People with disabilities are given the opportunity to live experiences that they would not be able to live otherwise. An athlete from Lefkada entered a plane for the first time”, he tells us characteristically” thanking from the bottom of his heart all the members of the mission for their contribution.

The practical obstacles and the big picture

And for the German government the Special Olympics World Games in Berlin were not just a big gamble, but an “absolute priority”. After all, concepts such as “integration” and “inclusion” are often heard both in the German parliament and in the individual German ministries. A “great event” was spoken by Chancellor Olaf Solz, who gave a double “attendance”, at the opening ceremony and at a bowling match. “Participation is almost more important than winning. Few win, but everyone participates and that’s really great,” said Olaf Solz. “Exemplary games, a model for other sporting events as well” were the Berlin Special Olympics and for Christiane Krajewski, president of the German Special Olympics Federation.

But in reality, even in Germany, the numbers are not particularly encouraging in the field of integration and participation. According to official figures only 8% of people with an intellectual disability in Germany have access to sports activities. A rate that is far from the German government’s target for “accessibility” in sports of around 16%. The ideal for Krajewski would one day be for this percentage to rise to 36%, as it also applies to people without an intellectual disability.

However, even in the Special Olympics of the German capital – which notably claims the 2036 Olympic Games – the difficulties and weaknesses for an effective integration of people with disabilities on equal terms emerged in practice. Despite the enthusiasm and dedication of organizers and volunteers, the long distances, the problems of transportation in the city and between the venues of the games – under the mantle of the environmentally friendly ‘Green Games’, the perhaps hasty training of many volunteers but also a abuse scandal within the German team showed that the organization of such sporting events perhaps requires wider preparation, knowledge and proper urban infrastructure. And of course the right people in the right positions.

But what is the legacy of these games? Perhaps the visibility, the participation of people with disabilities in sports, art, public action without fear and shame. To come forward and draw the spotlight on them. And through visibility and public debate, the realization that modern society is inherently colorful and polyphonic with equal rights to be afforded to all in its entirety.

Source: DW

Research: Diversity in the workplace enhances productivity.

The performance of executives increased by 33% after training in Diversity & Inclusion matters.

The optimal utilization of diversity in the workplace is now a requirement for businesses in their effort to enhance productivity and become more competitive.

According to Adecco, efforts are being made to enhance diversity within businesses, aiming to achieve better understanding and acceptance of differences among people. It is increasingly recognized that inclusion in the workplace of individuals from different nationalities, ages, genders, religions, sexual orientations, as well as people with disabilities, can only bring benefits.

Respect for diversity

An indicative emphasis on respect for diversity in businesses is the fact that, according to the Harvard Business Review, 60% of companies aim for diversity even in administrative positions.

A significant role in promoting diversity and establishing equality in the workplace is played by the continuous education of employees through skills upgrading programs.

A recent study by Ezra highlighted the importance of employee education on Diversity & Inclusion and its impact on productivity. According to the study’s findings, the performance of executives increased by 33% after training in Diversity & Inclusion matters.

Furthermore, 31% of participants who recently left their jobs stated that a key reason for their decision was the lack of advancement opportunities and the absence of educational programs.

Emotional Intelligence

In the same context, a recent study by the Adecco Group highlighted that only 50% of employees globally have access to programs for developing new skills. These findings underscore the need for more employee education on diversity and inclusivity matters, so that businesses can offer equal opportunities to all their staff to thrive and embark on successful paths. Moreover, such training enhances the dynamics of work teams within a company, enabling the leadership to identify potential skill gaps among executives and promptly take measures for their enhancement. Simultaneously, a comprehensive leadership model should be adopted, promoting a secure work environment without exclusions and embracing diversity.

According to Adecco, a crucial component in cultivating a supportive work culture is the development of emotional intelligence, both for employers and employees. By enhancing skills like empathy and self-empowerment, the executives of a company learn to harmoniously collaborate, leveraging opposing viewpoints to achieve innovative goals, while also reinforcing their competitive advantage.

Konstantinos Mylonas, Cluster Head of the Adecco Group in Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, and the Czech Republic, states: “One of the most significant changes in recent years is companies’ attitude towards stereotypes, biases, and practices of the past. With more and more companies placing respect, equality, and equitability at the core of their strategy, the need for a leadership model that opposes all forms of discrimination becomes imperative. By fostering a safe and supportive work environment and taking initiatives to educate on these matters, the equal treatment of a company’s workforce is assured.”

Source: Η Ναυτεμπορική


The organization “Assistance Dogs Greece” trains guide dogs for individuals with visual impairments and children with autism, providing them with both practical and emotional support.

In a society where every form of diversity is often met with suspicion, the challenges faced by people with disabilities are numerous. These challenges encompass everyday practical issues, such as navigating the streets, as well as issues related to lack of independence or emotional support – not to mention the issue of stigma, which unfortunately still exists.

“Assistance Dogs Greece,” a non-profit organization founded in August 2021, seeks to facilitate the daily lives of these individuals. The catalyst for its establishment was the significant need identified by the organization’s members for assistance dogs for children with autism, along with the belief that an assistance dog can make a difference.

Guide dogs significantly enhance the safety of individuals facing intellectual disabilities or visual impairments. They assist them practically, increasing their safety on the streets, and also emotionally.

According to Efi Laggaris, the organization’s Marketing and Sponsorship Manager, a dog “teaches the person to take on responsibilities. It also helps with their interaction with other people, aids in their recovery from emotional disarray following a meltdown or emotional outburst, and even contributes to better sleep quality.”

We spoke with her about the purpose, goals, and necessity of such an organization.

What is the purpose and vision of the organization?

“Assistance Dogs Greece” is a non-profit organization that trains dogs for individuals with disabilities and provides them completely free of charge. It relies on donations in order to achieve its goals.

In order to fulfill our vision, we are committed to training assistance dogs according to the highest standards and to educating individuals with disabilities and their caregivers to establish a strong bond with the assistance dog. Additionally, through presentations, we aim to change society’s mindset to include individuals with disabilities as equal and valued members.

Our vision is for every individual with disabilities in our country to be able to live with an assistance dog, providing them and their caregivers with a better quality of life through values such as independence, safety, social respect, emotional support, mental tranquility, and selfless love.

A service dog changes the mindset of society towards individuals with disabilities.

How important is the assistance provided by a service dog in changing societal attitudes towards individuals with disabilities?

We believe that service dogs bring about a significant positive change in the daily lives of people with disabilities. For example, a guide dog for individuals with visual impairments offers safety, autonomy, and confidence when navigating unfamiliar environments. It helps navigate obstacles such as potholes, inaccessible sidewalks, low-hanging branches, etc., enabling the individual to move quickly and safely on the challenging streets of Greece. People with visual impairments now have access to services and experiences that might have been more difficult in the past.

Another crucial aspect where a service dog brings about substantial change is in altering society’s mindset towards individuals with disabilities. In other words, when they are out with their service dog, people look at them with admiration and curiosity, eager to engage in conversations to learn more about the dog and its training.

How do you train a service dog?

Our service dogs are trained to the highest standards set by international organizations, always using positive methods that reward desired behaviors. The training process takes approximately 2 years and begins when the puppy is 10 weeks old.

For a service dog to graduate, they must excel in necessary ability and character tests to ensure the quality of their work.

Do you select dogs from specific breeds?

Currently, we select Labrador Retrievers or Golden Retrievers. This is because these dogs are naturally people-oriented, intelligent, love children, enjoy working, are not aggressive, and their size is suitable both for guide dogs and for anchoring a child with autism, which a smaller dog might not be able to do.

However, in the future, we plan to include other breeds as well, depending on the specific needs of individuals with disabilities.

Once you provide a service dog, are there obligations and responsibilities that the handler must have towards the dog?

The well-being and welfare of the dog are non-negotiable prerequisites for us. Also, handlers must ensure that the dog’s training level is maintained to ensure the safety of everyone involved. For these reasons, our dogs are not given away; they are loaned out under a loan agreement. We remain in contact with the families and handlers for as long as the working years require.


– What are the challenges you face during the training of a service dog?

At the moment, the biggest challenge we face is limited financial resources. As mentioned earlier, the training takes about 2 years, which translates to around €20,000 until a service dog is delivered.

– Do the individuals receiving a service dog also need training?

Always, before we deliver a service dog, we ensure that the right “matching” has been done with the handler, because we want both sides to be happy. Thus, part of the training involves educating the handler or even the family.

What kind of relationship develops between the individual and the service dog?

Every case is different and unique, but what we see in almost all cases is a sense of security, trust, respect, and gratitude towards the dog. It’s a relationship of selfless love and care that comes from both sides.

Especially in cases of children with autism, the child finds in the service dog a unique friend whom they can trust and communicate with. Just like in any person with a dog, the companionship they provide is invaluable.

What happens when the dog can no longer assist the individual due to age or other conditions?

Can the individual manage on their own or do they need a new service dog? Individuals with visual impairments, as mentioned earlier, are independent in their mobility, having been trained with a white cane. So, if their dog for some reason (e.g., due to age) exits the program, they are still able to move independently. However, using a guide dog for mobility offers greater safety and speed.

In the case of service dogs for children with autism, our goal is that over time, the child will be able to continue their life without the dog. However, this depends on many factors, as we are dealing with the autism spectrum, which means there are different needs.

You mentioned that you organize programs in schools. What is the purpose of these activities?

Through games and activities, children understand the various ways in which individuals with visual impairments can move, read, play, cook, etc. Depending on the program, children are divided into small groups, learn about Braille writing, close their eyes and play games using their remaining senses, take short walks with a white cane. They are informed about guide dogs and get to know some of them up close.

At the end, all together, students and volunteers, analyze and evaluate what they experienced, in order to convey the message of diversity and the importance of education and awareness.

What do you plan for the future?

Our goal is to integrate 5 new puppies into our program that will become assistance dogs for children with autism. Additionally, we are planning an Awareness Day where families interested in guide dogs can attend. We would be glad to see you there!”

Source: OW

Global Weightlifting Championship in Dubai!

Maria Markou secured the 6th place in the World Bench Press Weightlifting Championship held in Dubai!

In detail, her post:

“6th place at the World Para Powerlifting Championships in Dubai – World Para Powerlifting – World Championships 2023 with 100 kilograms, which also sets a new Cypriot record in the -61 kilograms category.”

“Despite being in a tough day, I managed to secure my spot in the list for the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games with a lift of 100 kilograms. I am not satisfied with my performance yesterday, however, that competition now belongs to the past, and I remain committed to my ultimate goal, securing a place in the Paralympics.”

“I would like to extend special thanks to my coach Dimitris Ioannidis, my companion Christina Kalli, and the entire team who stood by my side in this competition. I also want to thank everyone for your support, and I promise that with harder work and dedication, greater successes will come.”

Source: Super Sports FM

Six months in waiting for the disabled

Without the necessary means to lead a more normal life, people with disabilities are left for months. Some, who are even in specialized centers, complete the first stage of their rehabilitation but are unable to return to their homes, because the competent state department needs, in the best case scenario, six months to approve their application for the appropriate aids.

There are many examples, as stated to ‘Ph’ by the President of the Cyprus Paraplegic Organization, Dimitris Lambrianidis, supporting that “the plan for technical means, of the Department of Social Integration of Persons with Disabilities, is currently the plan with the most significant delays. The waiting time reaches six months, the department receives about 200 applications each month, and the responsible officials cannot respond quickly or within a reasonable timeframe to their obligations towards citizens due to understaffing.”

The applications submitted concern “individuals who need, for example, wheelchairs for bathing, specialized cushions for pressure sore prevention, mattresses for bedsores, electrically powered beds, etc. For a person with a disability, to secure a good quality of life under the circumstances, these aids are necessary, and certainly their cost is such that not anyone can afford them out of their own pocket. For people with disabilities, these are the tools that allow them to live in their own homes and not somewhere else.”

As OPAK, he added, ‘We are very well aware of the current situation. Recently, a case came to light involving a child with cancer who applied to secure such assistance, yet unfortunately, the child’s request was not approved. Not even such incidents seem to move certain technocrats in certain Ministries. Proper staffing of government departments responsible for serving citizens must be a priority for the Government.’

“For this reason,” said Mr. Lambrianides, “the relevant department of the Ministry of Social Welfare needs personnel reinforcement to be able to cope. And we are not talking about highly paid public servants. It is necessary to hire low-paid individuals who will take on the challenging task of evaluating and processing applications from people with disabilities.”

“I find it unacceptable that every citizen is forced to go to the media, to voice their problem and their hardship, in order for us to rush to provide them with what they need,” said Mr. Lambrianides and added, “We have once again been informed that the request of the Ministry of Social Welfare for approval of positions has been rejected. This means that the applications of individuals in need of these technical aids will continue to pile up every six months. We expect from the Government to send a message to those who handle certain matters, that priority must be given wherever the responsibility involves health, social integration, and the well-being of citizens. Also, it is unfair to demonize government departments that cannot efficiently carry out their tasks quickly due to being understaffed, with the responsibility lying with other departments.”

Source: Φilenews

Deputy Minister of Welfare: Goal is Dignified Living in Shelters and Institutions

The goal of the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare is to support all shelters and institutions in providing services that promote dignified living through collaborations, said Deputy Minister of Social Welfare, Marilena Evaggelou, during her visit to the ‘Archangel Michael’ Shelter in Kaimakli on Friday.

In statements during the visit, the Deputy Minister mentioned that this visit is part of broader visits she conducts along with her collaborators to institutions, shelters for the elderly, and shelters for people with disabilities. The purpose is to witness firsthand the conditions under which these individuals live and the services provided to them.

Subsequently, she mentioned that a discussion will follow on the issues and challenges faced, ‘in order to provide those solutions and the support and assistance from the state, so that the services that should be provided to elderly individuals or people with disabilities can be offered.’

“I am pleased to observe that here, there is a very good provision of services both for elderly individuals and for people with disabilities. A day center and 24-hour care are operational,” she mentioned about the ‘Archangel Michael’ Shelter in Kaimakli, after a guided tour of the Center’s facilities, where the Deputy Minister engaged in conversations with the individuals residing or receiving services there.

“Because negative aspects are often highlighted, it’s good to acknowledge the positives as well. There are shelters, there are institutions that provide beyond the essentials,” she mentioned, adding that quality services are provided, which offer ‘that livelihood to those being served, constituting the dignified living they should have.”

The goal of the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare, she noted, “is to assist all shelters and institutions in providing those services that serve dignified living. We will continue these efforts through collaborations, with NGOs, local authorities, and the Church. We are moving in this direction, aiming to continue seeking the maximum possible provision of services to all those being served.”

Source: Φilenews

USA: Quadriplegic regains movement in hands thanks to Artificial Intelligence

A quadriplegic in the USA managed to regain some of the movements and sensations in his upper limbs through a new restoration method based on artificial intelligence.

Keith Thomas, who was confined to a wheelchair after an accident, has regained sensation and movement in his hand and arm after several years, thanks to Artificial Intelligence.

The man had broken his neck in an accident in the pool three years ago, which left him paralyzed from the neck down.

The surgery lasted for 15 hours and took place last March. Doctors implanted five microchips in his brain, and with the assistance of artificial intelligence, his brain successfully connected to his spinal cord and the rest of his body.

This unprecedented surgical intervention required Thomas to be awake for a part of the procedure, allowing him to regain the sensation in his thumb and index finger.

The success of the surgery has made him a true pioneer in paralysis treatment. His ability to move has significantly improved, offering hope for a better future to his loved ones. Moreover, this achievement holds promises for an estimated 100 million people worldwide who suffer from paralysis.

The team at Northwell Health, led by Chad Bouton from the Institute of Bioelectronic Medicine, played a crucial role in Thomas’s recovery. Their work has paved the way for possibilities and further prospects in the field of paralysis treatment.


The deal is sealed: From September, the ‘Health’ Polyclinic joins the GHS.

Starting from September, the ‘Ygeia’ Polyclinic will join the GHS (General Health System) – How private Diagnostic and Therapeutic Centers (DTCs) will assist in the decongestion of public hospitals – Andreas Papakonstantinou elaborates on the plan being initiated by the GHS in the Off The Record Podcast.

The agreement for the integration of the ‘Ygeia’ Polyclinic into the GHS (General Health System) has been definitively sealed, and starting from September, beneficiaries of the System will have access to inpatient health care services and the First Aid Department of the private hospital.

Specifically, Andreas Papakonstantinou, the Director of the Health Insurance Organization (HIO), revealed in the Off The Record Podcast by Cyprus Times that HIO has reached an agreement with the ‘Ygeia’ Polyclinic. He also clarified that the signatures have not yet been formalized, but this is now a procedural matter.

Furthermore, he explained that based on the planning, the private hospital will commence providing its services from September 1st, or if there’s any delay, it will occur 15 days later, in mid-September.

Mr. Papakonstantinou also indicated that the First Aid Department of the ‘Ygeia’ Polyclinic will also be integrated into the GHS.

How Private TAEK (Emergency Admission Units) Will Help in Decongesting Public Hospitals

Moving forward, Mr. Papakonstantinou discussed the plan initiated by HIO to decongest the TAEK units of public hospitals, allowing for emergency cases to also be redirected to private hospitals.

“This is why we proceeded with the integration of ‘Ygeia’,” he explained, further adding that “Mediterranean Hospital is already operating within the GHS and offering First Aid services. We will also include Apollonion Hospital (its TAEK unit will join the System in September), Evangelismos in Paphos, and St. Raphael in Larnaca. A mechanism will be established where the patient can choose any TAEK unit.”

He also pointed out that each TAEK unit, due to its specific payment arrangement, will be required to maintain both beds and the medical team necessary to handle these cases. In cases where a TAEK unit cannot attend to a certain incident, it will be accountable to the Organization – as records are kept – and an instruction will be provided to refer the case to specific TAEK units. “There will be these safety networks,” emphasized Mr. Papakonstantinou.”

Source: Cyprus Times

The WHO expands access to life-saving drugs for patients with thalassemia.

The World Health Organization has undertaken a review of the Essential Medicines Lists (EML) that all countries must provide to their adult and pediatric citizens, now including the three iron chelation drugs used for the treatment of patients with thalassemia. This decision marks a significant milestone in the global effort to improve access to critical pharmacological alternatives for the effective management of this condition.

Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder that requires lifelong management, including regular iron chelation therapy to prevent iron overload, a potentially life-threatening complication.

Until recently, the WHO recommended only the active ingredient deferasirox for the treatment of chronic iron overload in the essential medicines lists, limiting patients’ access to other essential therapeutic options.

However, since 2019, the International Thalassemia Federation (ITF) has made vigorous efforts for the inclusion of two other approved iron chelation therapies, deferoxamine and deferiprone, in the relevant lists, recognizing the importance of providing global access to a comprehensive range of alternative solutions for physicians and patients.

The ITF welcomes the decision of the WHO, with which it has maintained official relations since 1996, to include the aforementioned drugs in the essential medicines lists. Their inclusion is a direct result of collective efforts and collaboration between the Federation and the Organization. This specific development is expected to have an immediate positive impact, enhancing the standard of care for thalassemia management worldwide and providing hope for millions of individuals living with this challenging condition, especially in low- and middle-income countries where access to basic medical care for thalassemia patients is often a challenge.

Dr. Androulla Eleftheriou, Executive Director of ITF, expressed her gratitude to WHO for considering the Federation’s recommendations. “This decision aligns with our vision of ensuring equal access to essential medications for all individuals suffering from thalassemia,” she stated. “Now, physicians worldwide can confidently prescribe the most suitable iron chelation agents based on their patients’ specific needs, optimizing the outcomes of their treatment.

For over 40 years, countries around the world have relied on WHO’s essential medicines lists, which are reviewed biennially, for the development and updating of national pharmaceutical catalogs. These lists serve as well-documented guides for the most significant medications that address the primary healthcare needs of populations across the planet.

The 2023 editions also include essential new drugs for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, cancer, infectious diseases, and cardiovascular conditions, among others.

Established in Cyprus since 1986, with a presence in over 62 countries globally, the International Thalassemia Federation remains committed to promoting research, awareness, and global cooperation for the benefit of individuals afflicted by thalassemia and other hemoglobin disorders. This significant achievement stands as evidence of the ongoing efforts of healthcare professionals, patient advocacy groups, and the entire medical community.

Source: nomisma