Right to work for people with disabilities - A step towards equality - AbleBook

Right to work for people with disabilities – A step towards equality

Andreas Vassiliou, CEO of Ablebook, and Andreas Apostolou, Member of the EDEK party, present a significant initiative for improving the working conditions of people with disabilities. Through this proposed initiative, which will be discussed in the House of Representatives, we express our commitment to a society that respects the rights of all citizens, promotes equality, and addresses economic disparities.

According to existing legislation, if a person with disabilities is employed and receives a salary above €512, the difference is deducted from their disability allowance. This measure negatively affects the prospects of professional advancement for people with disabilities, as it hinders them from achieving full autonomy and economic independence. We strongly support the increase of the minimum threshold for the salary of people with disabilities from €512 to €1000, aligning it with the minimum wage of an employed person. This will promote their employment without restrictions and contribute to strengthening the economy with increased contributions to Social Insurance and the General Healthcare System (GeSY). We also propose the separation of the disability allowance from the European Union Support Framework (EESF), thus creating conditions for a fair distribution of resources and enhancing the employment of people with disabilities.

In this context, we invite our colleagues to support this initiative for the promotion of equality and opportunities for all citizens. Our society must be a place that treats all citizens with respect and equality, offering them the opportunity to fully contribute to society. With this initiative, we aim to promote a vibrant society where everyone has the possibility to succeed and pursue their dreams.

Thank you for your support in this critical initiative for the creation of a more equal and just society.

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