A great song written by a disabled teenage girl, about her teenage love!
With the recent opening of schools, it is the best time to remind children, especially young teenagers, that among them there are also children with disabilities who, however, have the same rights as them and must be respected like everyone else. We must remind them that even these children’s souls can flutter in their first love. Let’s give them a chance to fly high. Love is everywhere…

“My love…” Love, a word on which the foundations of our world rest, a word that is the key to the harmonious coexistence of people in today’s society. A wonderful song with lyrics taken from the soul of a teenage girl, Efi Charalambous, set to music by Stelios Michaelidis, and orchestrated by Giorgos Synnos.
Veronica Jotovic, an autistic girl with an angelic voice, sings, which was also Effie’s personal choice to combine with the dynamic voice of Katy Spiller. The video clip is produced by the renowned photographer and videographer Andreas Tsiartas.
So this song is about love and the teenage love of a girl for a boy. It talks about the “butterflies” in the stomach that every person feels when they fall in love… What can’t be expressed in words, can well be said through the lyrics of a song. Music as a universal language can enchant the ears of a blind man by creating images in his mind, pass through the body of a deaf man as a vibration making him dance to the beat, and become words in the mind of a child who has difficulty speaking, touch the soul of a child with cerebral palsy, remind us what it means to truly love. Can a disabled girl or boy fall in love and fall in love with them? Of course, they can! All people, even those who look or act a little “different” from the rest, have the right to love and be loved.
But the word love is not limited only to romantic love, since love can also be felt by a parent/guardian or therapist for their child and this is reflected in the shine of their eyes, facial expressions, body movements, a caress, a smile, a hug. Love can exist between two very good friends who do not label each other but love truly and selflessly.
Behind the creation of the whole effort is a large group of people (with Stelios Michaelidis as the main initiator and the valuable collaboration of Katy Spiller), who fight every day to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities and promote respect for their rights. There are sensitized people who still believe in LOVE. This whole idea came to life thanks to the valuable support of Andrey & Julia Dashin’s Foundation, as well as a host of other sponsors and supporters.
Through the video clip of the song, the contributors want to convey the message that love does not put labels, does not distinguish people, and is an inalienable right of everyone. So it doesn’t matter if some children differ in any way from other children. This does not deprive them of the right to dream, love, fall in love, and grow up to live a normal life always enjoying equal rights and opportunities.
Source: cyprusalive.com